“It’s not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.” – J.R.R Tolkien
Read about the Strength Key here.
A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, or at the same degree and minute of the same zodiac sign. This conjunction between the Sun and Moon accentuates the energy of the sign, and is a wonderful time of the lunar cycle to think about new beginnings, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 6 months. This month's New Moon occurs on Friday, October 16th at 3:31 pm (EDT) at 23º 53' of the sign of Libra.
There's tension in the skies my fellow Warriors. This may be a very good week to focus your attention inward more than your usual New Moon practice. The peak of the Mars Retrograde is tomorrow (10/13), as well as the beginning of the final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 (beginning in Scorpio and ending in Libra on 11/3). The flavor of our drive and instincts, and our perception and communication is dominated by Mars (Aries and Scorpio). The Sun and Moon will be squaring the heavy hitters still in Capricorn (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) while also opposing Mars. With Mercury in Scorpio, there will be opportunity in the energy to dig deep mentally and reflect on how you've been utilizing this Mars Retrograde and the energies of 2020. There's grace and harmony in the composting and breakdowns. How does this resonate for you? More surprising or shocking insights, information or events may occur. Go within and find your own inner peace, balance and strength, drawing from the Light of your Spirit. Keep your inner strength and capacity to dig deep in mind when setting your New Moon intentions.
As I also usually advise, work with your own chart!
Astrological Aromatherapy - Libra New Moon Blend
I created a blend for this New Moon based on the release point of the tension in the skies.
The square/opposition is between the planets in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn. The release point of this square (known as a T-Square) is Cancer. As you're going within, be sure to nurture yourself with things that make you feel safe and secure. Snuggle up with a favorite book, cook and enjoy some comfort foods, spend time with family and friends. Be sure to release any pent up emotions. Release of tension or stress can help in harnessing your inner strength, and in finding balance and equilibrium. This blend is very soothing and emotionally balancing, and can promote feelings of ease and grace. The two oils in the Libra New Moon blend are:
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii var. motia)
German "Blue" Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
The blend is available for purchase here.
The ruler of this month's New Moon is Venus (it's also occurring on Venus's day of the week - Friday!). Venus is currently in the zodiac sign of Virgo, which isn't her favorite terroir. This may contribute to the edgy feelings and energy of the New Moon. If you're finding your mood tending toward criticism, idealism or overthinking, remember to be present and to ease into enjoying the Aromatherapy blend, the deliciousness of your comforts and knowing that this energy will begin to mellow over the weekend.
Wishing you all Strength, Ease and Grace.
New Moon Blessings,