Did you know that I have my own podcast?

I created Becoming Chiron in the spring of 2022.
It's devoted to Chiron and includes personal storytelling, teachings about Chiron through the houses/signs, astrology forecasts and I released my first interview episode in January 2025.
Dive deeply into all things Chiron and learn how to access the power and healing potential Chiron offers everyone through my personal stories about the lived experiences of Astrology.
Learn more about Becoming Chiron on my homepage by clicking/tapping the button below!
Do you have your own podcast or video show?
If you do, and would like to interview me,
email me here!
I've been interviewed as a guest on many incredible podcasts and have co-hosted too.
Astrological Trends on Psychic Teachers!
I was interviewed by Deb Bowen & Samantha Fey of the Psychic Teachers podcast!
We discussed my journey from being a listener of their podcast, to being a student in their classes & how everything culminated into my Astrology & Aromatherapy studies & Ursa Alchemy.
We also discussed Astrological Aromatherapy & the upcoming Astrology for the next two months of 2020 and into 2021.
Tune in on Spotify by clicking the photo above or here, or on your favorite podcast app!
Let Spirit Lead You on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
I was a guest on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast with Valeri McLaughlin again! This episode was recorded on July 19th 2023. Val and I discuss my healing journey and how the journey led me to connecting to Spirit, Aromatherapy and then to Astrology. We talk about how both modalities helped me to heal, grow, and lead me to start Ursa Alchemy, and ultimately co-create Sea Goddess Healing Arts.
Val and I love to talk about what is cosmically going on energetically.
Hope you love this conversation and learning more about me!
Navigating Intense Cosmic Energies on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
I was a guest on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast with Valeri McLaughlin again!
This episode was recorded on November 1st 2022.
Val and I discuss this current Eclipse season with another set of Eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus, the Mars Retrograde in Gemini and we share our personal stories of how these cosmic energies are affecting us, what you can do to navigate the energies and how they may be affecting you depending on your own natal chart. Val also pulls a card from Diana Cooper's Dragons Oracle Deck.
We hope you enjoy this conversation and find it helpful.
Tune in on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel!
Taurus Rising Video Show Episodes
Taurus Rising was a video show featuring discussions with my Soul Sister, Sea Goddess Healing Arts co-founder and Intuitive Ascension Guide, Mandee Elam.
Mandee is a fellow Taurus Rising!
These discussions are about embodying the traits of Taurus Rising. What it means to embody the Divine Feminine. How to find your self worth, love, confidence, and accept your body. How to honor what is rising and falling away within you. How to live on purpose and in alignment with your soul.
Find the archive on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel!
Discussing Mercury Retrograde on Unschooled
Unschooled was a conscious conversation video show presented by Sea Goddess Healings Arts with Intuitive Ascension Guide, Mandee Elam and Mermaid in the Mountains, Lexi Duquette. Take a deep dive into things we wished learned in school and what we are learning today.
⭐ Unschooled Mercury Retrograde Edition ⭐
Unschooling the taboos of Retrograde, common misconceptions, why it has a bad rap, and learn how to find the opportunities, refocus and allow it to work with you.
Tune in above, or on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel!
Deconditioning on Unschooled
I joined Mandee and Lexi to discuss deconditioning, following your heart, and trusting your star-led path.
⭐ I share even more about my journey and recent exit from the corporate world in this special episode!
Tune in above, or on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel!
The Ever Changing Moon on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
This is the third episode of a three part series with Valeri McLaughlin.
We discussed meaning of The Moon in your natal chart, its definitions and many aspects that it represents in our lives and our Soul's lessons.
Val and I share about our own Moon signs, placements and how we experience the energy.
This is the final part of this series!
Tune in by clicking the photo above or here, or find the Intuitive Heart Healer podcast on your favorite podcast app!
Journey to the Sun on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
This is the second episode of a three part series with Valeri McLaughlin.
We discussed meaning of The Sun in your natal chart, its definitions and many aspects that it represents in our lives and our Soul's lessons.
Val and I share about our own Sun signs, placements and how we experience the energy.
Part three will be about the Moon.
Tune in by clicking the photo above or here, or find the Intuitive Heart Healer podcast on your favorite podcast app!
The Ascendant on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
This is the first episode of a three part series with Valeri McLaughlin.
We discussed The Ascendant/Rising Sign of a natal chart, its definitions and many aspects that it represents in our lives and our Soul's lessons. Val and I share about our own rising signs and how we experience the energy.
Parts two and three will be about the Sun and the Moon. I love this conversation!
Tune in by clicking the photo above or here, or find the Intuitive Heart Healer podcast on your favorite podcast app!
The Signs Series: Taurus on the Kosmic Tonic Podcast

I'm so excited to share this discussion with the Kosmic Tonic gals! We all met during our intensive Astrology Apprenticeship.
In this episode, we get into the mud and roses of Taurus, which is ruled by the planet Venus. We talk sensuality and sexuality, we talk natural healing, we talk scents and food and beer. And of course, we talk Taurus season astro weather, and the upcoming lunations.
Tune in here, or find it on your favorite podcast app!
Episode on Astrology on the KT Talk Show Podcast
I was interviewed by Katee Welte of the KT Talk Show podcast!
We discussed the wealth of insights your natal chart can reveal, how I work with natal charts and Astrology and Katee shares about her recent Saturn Return experience. We also discussed the shifting energy of 2021. It was a wonderful conversation!
Tune in by clicking the photo above or here, or find the KT Talk Show on your favorite podcast app!
Mars Retrograde on the Intuitive Heart Healing Podcast
All things Mars Retrograde on the Intuitive Heart Healer Podcast!
Valeri and I had a conversation about all things Mars Retrograde on Wednesday, September 9th, the day the Retrograde began. We discussed the details of the Retrograde, the energy of Mars and Aries, personal experiences and tips and resources for navigating this energy for the next two months.
Tune in early via the video above, on/after Tuesday, September 15th here, or on your favorite podcast app!
Intuitive Heart and Soul Healing and Astrology Chat with Valeri McLaughlin
Back in April 2020, I was interviewed by Valeri McLaughlin of Intuitive Heart Healer. We chatted about Astrology, Venus & Mercury Retrogrades, birth chart readings & more!
We're still offer this collaborative service combining Valeri's wonderful intuitive healing & Astrology to provide a targeted approach to energetic blocks & lessons of the heart & soul. It's called Intuitive Heart & Soul Healing.
Click here to learn more/book with us!

Astrology Basics on Deb and Friends Quest for Connection

I was a guest on Deb & Friends: Quest for Connection.
Deb is also co-host of the PsychicTeachers podcast & has been one of my Intuitive Development & Tarot teachers for years. It was such an honor to be a guest on her show! We discuss the history of Astrology, how Astrology works, the basics of the birth chart & more.
Tune in here!