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Pisces Season - New Moon Blend & Fun with Mercury Retrograde

The Lemon Balm Plant (Melissa officinalis) Image credit:

A New Moon occurs when the Sun & Moon are conjunct, or at the same degree and minute of the same zodiac sign. This conjunction between the Sun and Moon accentuates the energy of the sign, and is a wonderful time of the lunar cycle to think about new beginnings, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 6 months.


This month's New Moon occurs on Sunday, February 23rd at 10:31 am (EST) at approximately 4 degrees of the sign of Pisces. The signature oil of Pisces is Melissa (aka Lemon Balm), which comprises most of this New Moon blend. Melissa is emotionally uplifting and balancing. It can help with emotional support during times of grief & also has antibacterial properties. I added Lemon to the blend to enhance the citrus aroma & the antibacterial effects.

It's still cold & flu season here in the Northern Hemisphere!

The blend is listed below and a PDF copy can be downloaded here.


New Moon in Pisces Diffuser Blend

6 drops Melissa (Melissa officinalis)

4 drops Lemon (Citrus limon)


Add the oils to your favorite diffuser and breathe deeply.

Let me know what you think of this blend in the comments below!


Pisces is the sign that relates to our dreams, connection to the divine, compassion, empathy and our sense of oneness & unconditional love. Its traditional ruler is Jupiter & its modern ruler is Neptune. There can be an escapism tendency with Pisces, so it's important not to get lost in the void, and to stay grounded, centered & energetically protected. Setting intentions around any of these topics in your life would be a wonderful practice for this New Moon. Dream journaling could be a great way to capture anything your subconscious is communicating to you. Finding Pisces in your chart would also add specificity to your intentions.


It's that time again! The first Mercury retrograde of 2020, Mercury retrograde in Pisces began on February 16th (on the East Coast) and will continue until March 9th. Mercury is the planet of all things related to the inner workings of our minds, verbal & nonverbal communication, travel, electronics & friends. Mercury in Pisces speaks the language of art, music, poetry, love & Spirit. It's creative & intuitive. When Mercury is retrograde (which is an optical illusion from our perspective here on Earth; it's not really moving backwards) it's closest to Earth & provides a magical few weeks to work closely with the planetary energy. As with the New Moon, finding Pisces in your chart can help you specify your intentions & to discover some themes that this retrograde may have for you.

There's power in the pause.

When you experience things like electronics issues, general snafus, miscommunications, travel problems (the list goes on), pause & consider what the lesson or opportunity may be in the moment. What's Mercury trying to teach you? My Astrology teacher calls these opportunities MRIs (Mercury Retrograde Interventions), and has a wealth of material on his website if you want to learn more. Another incredible resource is Gary P. Caton's book Hermetica Triptycha.

All words that begin with RE are Mercury retrograde words:





Rejoice :-)


I created a Mercury retrograde in Pisces playlist & it's available on Spotify here.

Feel free to add songs & most importantly, enjoy!


New Moon & Mercury Retrograde blessings!

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