Ursula Duffy

Nov 14, 20202 min

A New Moon in Scorpio & Mars Direct

Medusa Image by Jaro - Monstrous Illustrations - tsumea.com

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, or at the same degree and minute of the same zodiac sign. This conjunction between the Sun and Moon accentuates the energy of the sign, and is a wonderful time of the lunar cycle to think about new beginnings, manifesting and setting intentions for the next 6 months. This month's New Moon occurs on Sunday, November 15th at 7:13 am (EST) at 23º 17' of the sign of Scorpio.

Sun, Moon and Mercury in Scorpio ask for deep exploration and excavation in this New Moon energy. Our consciousness (Sun), emotions and intuitions (Moon) and our mindset (Mercury) are a cohesive force, blending together to face the shadows of our psyches. There's a call to honor and transmute pain, suffering, scorn, shame, repression and/or disdain we've forced upon ourselves, or that has been projected onto us by others. Scorpio energy can tend to hold onto feelings and thoughts; it can brood like no other. What can be cleared out? What can be released?

Even after Medusa's death, her blood had the power to create new and deadly creatures.

If we hold onto things that can fester, we too can still create destructive forces within ourselves that can continue to spawn. It can be a vicious cycle. It can be wholly self-inflicted, rooted in relationships and intimacies with ourselves and/or with others. Like the snake, the old, constricting skin must be shed in order to grow. Pieces of ourselves must be allowed to perish to create space for renewal and rebirth. Mercury in Scorpio offers support to face the truth and to penetrate deeply into these themes to release what is no longer serving our highest good.

Examine the monstrous, destructive forces within, invite them into your New Moon ceremony for release, to make space for something new.

Setting intentions specific to the theme(s) of the Scorpio house(s) in your chart will make this New Moon even more powerful!

Mars Direct - Onward!

The Chariot Key - Rider-Waite Tarot

Mars Stations Direct - The Chariot

The planet of action, will, drive, instinct, confidence and fight stationed direct yesterday at 15° of Aries, opposite Venus, ruling over the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Scorpio (New Moon energy).

This is a time to reflect on the last two months (the retrograde began on September 9th). Honor the divine masculine and divine feminine within you, to the depths of your soul.

What has surfaced? Have you become more yourself?

Mars will be pulsing at 15° Aries until November 24th. The energy of a stationing planet is amplified. Review my post about Mars Retrograde for more information and content about the specific themes.

I hope this information is helpful to you during this New Moon. All planets are now direct, except Neptune, which should offer a sense of forward motion coming out of a very long stretch of feeling like we've been moving through quicksand. Remember that Patchouli oil is the signature oil for Scorpio. Incorporating Patchouli oil, or even just the aroma as a candle or incense, into your New Moon ceremony could be beneficial and assist with your release and transmutation practice. This New Moon opens the portal for the upcoming eclipse season. The dragons of transformation are near!

New Moon Blessings,
